October 5, 2024

Jesus Visits with Nicodemus

Event number 24. Jesus visits with Nicodemus – John 3:1-21


Jesus Ministers in Judea with His Followers

Event number 25. Jesus ministers in Judea with His followers – John 3:22-24


John the Baptist Testifies to Jesus

Event number 26. John the Baptist testifies to Jesus – John 3:25-36


John the Baptist Imprisoned by Herod

Event number 27. John the Baptist imprisoned by Herod – Matthew 4:12a; 14:3-5, Mark 1:14a; 6:17-20, Luke 3:19-20


Jesus Travels Through Samaria and Encounters the Woman at the Well

Event number 28. Jesus travels through Samaria and encounters the woman at the well – Matthew 4:12b, Mark 1:14b, Luke 4:14a, John 4:1-44
