November 3, 2024

The Holman Christian Standard Bible®

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission.

Introduction To The Holman Christian Standard Bible®

The Bible is God’s revelation to man. It is the only book. . .

The Bible describes. . .

Bible translation is both. . .

Textual base of the HCSB®

The textual base for the. . .

Where there are significant differences. . .

Goals of this translation

The goals of this translation are:

  • to provide English-speaking people across the world with an accurate, readable Bible in contemporary English
  • to equip serious Bible students with an accurate translation for personal study, private devotions, and memorization
  • to give those who love God’s Word a text that has numerous reader helps, is visually attractive on the page, and is appealing when heard
  • to affirm the authority of Scripture as God’s Word and to champion its absolute truth against social or cultural agendas that would compromise its accuracy

The name, Holman Christian Standard Bible®, captures. . .

Copyright and Usage Information

Holman Christian Standard Bible® Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, by Holman Bible Publishers.

The text of the Holman Christian Standard Bible® may be quoted for non-commercial usage in any form (written, visual, electronic, or audio) up to and inclusive of two hundred fifty (250) verses without the written permission of the publisher, provided that the verses quoted do not account for more than 20 percent of the work in which they are quoted, and provided that a complete book of the Bible is not quoted.

When the Holman Christian Standard Bible® is quoted, one of the following credit lines must appear on the copyright page or title page of the work:

Scripture quotations marked HCSB are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission.  Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Holman CSB®, and HCSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.

When quotations from the Holman Christian Standard Bible® text are used in nonsaleable media, such as church bulletins, orders of service, posters, transparencies or similar media, a complete copyright notice is not required, but the initials “HCSB” or the phrase “Holman CSB” must appear at the end of each quotation.

Any commentary, Biblical reference, or other product produced for commercial sale that uses the Holman Christian Standard Bible® text requires written permission of Holman Bible Publishers.

Permission requests for non-commercial usage that exceed the above guidelines or permission requests for commercial usage must be directed to, and approved in writing by, Holman Bible Publishers, 127 Ninth Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37234.

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